We kick off the New Year with a wonderful PROJECTIONS line-up of presenters!
We have Harvey Stein who’ll take us on a 50 year journey through Coney Island, it promises to be really fun! Also presenting is Antonio Mari who shows us his close-up view of the Amazon rainforest that will inspire all of us to visit.
We invite you, your colleagues and friends to a thoughtful evening of photography, with this lineup the evening presentation promises to be captivating. We continue to thank our sponsors: Archive Magazine, PhotoShelter, Pro Photo Daily, American Photography and Epson.
Connect with us via Zoom https://us06web.zoom.us/j/6692503751. We start shop at 7:00pm EST.
A shout-out to Jay who keeps our Zoom PROJECTIONS presentations running smoothly. You can visit our site: https://projections.live to view previous evening events.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/c/PROJECTIONSNYC